What is the Zodiac Sign for April in Astrology?

The two Zodiac signs that fall in the month of April are Aries and Taurus. Discover what zodiac sign you are if your born in April, the horoscope, key facts, characteristics and personality traits of these sun signs of astrology.
Aries Zodiac Sign: March 21st - April 19th
Date range: March 21st to April 19th
Element: Fire
Quality: Cardinal
Symbol: Ram
Ruling Planet: Mars
Key personality traits: Passionate, Outspoken, Courageous, Honest, Lively
Strengths: Energetic, Leader, Driven, Ambitious, Responsible, Enigmatic
Weaknesses: Aggressive, Impulsive, Emotionless, Insensitive
Top love match: Gemini
The men and women born in March under the Pisces Zodiac sign are highly energetic and ambitious. Being the first sign of the twelve astrological signs, this vigor and passion of this sun sign is contagious. When they dive into a task, you’ll often find them finishing it before time. Multitasking efficiently is their thing. This is the “big-picture” sun sign, infectiously positive and driving a team with its amazing leadership qualities. It is brave and never hesitates to push the boundaries and tread into the unknown. Once an Aries sets its goals, there is no looking back for they would tirelessly work towards its completion.
An Aries, whether male or female, is a passionate lover, very expressive about what they feel without mincing their words. Being direct and honest in their conversations means that they are able to attract a lot of people with diverse viewpoints into their circle. This Zodiac sign is very responsible, never the naysayers since they are always bubbling with a high amount of energy to finish what they started. They will shine in their professional endeavors with their organizational skills and their ability to lead.
Taurus Zodiac Sign: April 20th - May 20th
Date range: April 20th to May 20th
Element: Earth
Quality: Fixed
Symbol: Bull
Ruling Planet: Venus
Key personality traits: Determined, Ambitious, Artistry, Gentle, Materialistic
Strengths: Opinionated, Beauty, Patient, Secretive
Weaknesses: Greedy, Lazy, Indulgent, Fixated
Top love match: Virgo
Lover of beauty, this Zodiac sign ruled by Venus is highly indulgent in everything materialistic. Taurus love physical pleasures and are passionate lovers. Quite the stubborn ones, they will stick to their decisions once they have made their mind. They tend to be grounded and realistic in their approach to life. Whether it is their personal or professional lives, the people born under this Zodiac sign are in for the long haul. This is why they attract friends who stick to them for the longest time.
Excellent employees, the Taurus will finish all tasks assigned. However, the earth element makes them quite reserved or conservative in their thoughts. They value money and power, perhaps much more than any other sign of the Zodiac. They can rarely adapt to sudden changes and like things planned or well thought of in advance. They are sensitive to touch and smell. Patience is the only way to be around a Taurean lover. They hold traditional values and would expect their partners to be respectful of their friends and family whom they hold close to their hearts.

Sylvia Maloney
Author and Astrologer
For nearly 15 years now, I have been writing about the mysteries of the zodiac signs, their characteristics and personality traits, their compatibility, their relationships and their passionate loves, with all the beauty but also all the complexity this can entail.