What is the Zodiac Sign for September in Astrology?

The two Zodiac signs that fall in the month of September are Virgo and Libra. Discover what zodiac sign you are if your born in September, the horoscope, key facts, characteristics and personality traits of these sun signs in astrology.
Virgo Zodiac Sign: August 23rd - September 22nd
Date range: August 23rd to September 22nd
Element: Earth
Quality: Mutable
Symbol: Maiden
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Key personality traits: Perfectionist, Hardworking, Realist, caring
Strengths: Methodical, Compassionate, Detailed, Communicative
Weaknesses: Critical, Judgemental, Workaholic, Skeptical
Top love match: Pisces
Perfectionist is what describes a Virgo the best. This is a zodiac sign that will look for the detail in everything. Quite well-organized, they are firm in their decisions once they have made it. They have their goals and ambitions well thought of and will never appreciate something that fails to be in order. They are good at micro-managing any task assigned to them. Virgos are the critical lot that needs to be carefully executed.
As Mercury is the ruling planet, the natives of this zodiac sign in astrology are good communicators and often find their calling as journalists, writers or caregivers. They seek intellectual compatibility and safety in the company of their partner which is when they would open up. Otherwise you would find them being extremely critical or judgemental of their lovers.
Libra Zodiac Sign: September 23rd - October 23rd
Date range: September 23rd to October 23rd
Element: Air
Quality: Cardinal
Symbol: Scales
Ruling Planet: Venus
Key personality traits: intellectual, balanced, people-pleasers, cooperative
Strengths: aesthetic, creative, strives to maintain harmony and equilibrium
Weaknesses: indecisive, impulsive, attention-seeker, will seldom confront
Top love match: Aries
Those born under this Zodiac sign are lovers of balance in every aspect of life. Being ruled by the planet of Venus, the natives appreciate beauty, love and money. They have a rich taste in clothing or decoration and prefer their surroundings to reflect that. They are brilliant designers who have a penchant for the finest things in life. A Libra, man or woman, is in love with the idea of a relationship and prefers harmony in it at all times. People pleasers, they try to keep everyone happy, which may backfire if they fail to make their loved ones feel special at the cost of making strangers happier.
Attention-seekers, they should be careful about not letting their partners down by pushing the boundaries that the relationship has. Lovers of beauty, they can easily get attracted to those who have a good sense of fashion. Libras are notorious for being bad decision-makers, torn between two ideas almost always. Quite indecisive, they struggle to remain steadfast. They are known for their effortless charm, easily finding their way out of conflicts and maintaining peace.

Sylvia Maloney
Author and Astrologer
For nearly 15 years now, I have been writing about the mysteries of the zodiac signs, their characteristics and personality traits, their compatibility, their relationships and their passionate loves, with all the beauty but also all the complexity this can entail.